Most recent posts :
" A psychological dynamic of awakening " [drawing]
" Soul sisters " [ digital / deep earth ]
"The mindful pirate ship" [digital / playful explorations ]
" My sweet little gypsyland " [drawing]
" Making the best of spiritual narcissism " [drawing]
" Propelling instincts beyond the field of causality " [drawings]
" Deep & Far" [drawings]
" Seeing through Equanimity " [drawing]
" Olfactory Journey " [ digital / flowers ]
" Study of the whereabouts of a scarab " [ digital / playful explorations ]
" The active nature of Compassion [drawings]
" Redefining art beyond self-grasping " [ drawings]
" Neural Pathways" [digital]
" At the essence of my love for nature " [digital]
" Ways to approach and to cure the deepest wound" [drawings].
" Amazing revelations on the nature of mind" [digital]
" A joyful offering to the Buddhas" [digital]
" my neurodivergent kit - upgraded " [digital/playful explorations]
“ Setting my mind clear about taking the Buddhist refuge ” [ drawing]
" Retrieving a bit of fearlesness " [ digital ]
" Finding refuge in the nature of mind " [drawing]