“ Galerija Grigor Prlicev ” in Ohrid, Makedonija (2014)
“ Galeria Aviatorilor 9 ”, Bucharest, Romania (2015) : " The In-World "
The same year I have participated to the project “ Vocile Sufletului (Voices of the Soul)” promoted by the “ Romanian Association of Analytical Psychology ”.
" Sons of Gaia " psychedelic festival, near Brasov, Romania [2017) : " Visions of Symmetry "
" Galeria Art Nuvo ", in the city of Kielce, Poland [2017] : "Rubedo"
What I do in art is a form of creative healing and it is a work with strong spiritual connotations.
The methods have changed over time, but the main purpose has always been to clear away the pain and to regenerate from trauma, with the intention of supporting and inspiring others to do the same.
An intense aspiration to awaken spiritually has always been there but, until recently, only in a raw and rather undisciplined way- despite it being genuine, profound and demanding a lot of effort.
Especially in my early works, the need for self exploration and self fulfillment has taken much of my efforts, and my outlook has been strongly influenced and stimulated by a period of Jungian therapy and by other methods based on empathy and psychic intuition.
Also when dealing with difficult content, playful and joyous resources have always come out of me. An overwhelming feeling of love for life and a lot of strong clear energy have made it possible for me to cope with consistent challenges somehow for several years.
With experience and maturity, the initial self centered and narcissistic obsessions not uncommon among artists, have progressively left space to a consistent and honest search for self transcendence. A very profound relationship with nature and the environment has established a new foundation for my actions, setting new priorities also in art.
This developed into a truly deep shamanic call and I grounded my vision and roots into earth and cosmos.
Eventually, the problems underlying one's existence have become way too powerful and none of the skills developed so far could really resolve the core of the issue.
I experienced than a period of severe sickness, during which I could not paint anymore (nor do anything at all).
I made the best out of this troubled time by discovering and applying the Buddhist teachings.
After a period of solitary practice, amazed by the results and by the outstanding quality of Dharma wisdom and method, I resolved to dedicate my creative efforts entirely in the direction of liberation, as intended in Mahayana Buddhism.
In terms of my artistic production the year 2023 can be considered the time reference for this change of orientation, but some of the paintings from before reveal a movement in the same direction.
As a viewer you should know (and probably can notice on your own) that I keep acting in very original ways, leaving a lot of space to creativity and exploration.
I would look at my recent works as a preparatory phase, during which I have been defining reliable enough premises to start the actual practice, clearing the way for the correct view to be of guidance, while the artist still participates with her moods and skills, displaying various peculiarities.
This has been possible by addressing the emotional, mental and energy habits that have been defining my creative experiences for a long time, making sure that they would not interfere too much, nor drift dangerously on their own, rather unbinding them as much as possible from self grasping tendencies. The main vision is to progressively align, merge and eventually dissolve such inner dynamics into the profound awakening practice that I have set my mind and heart upon.
You can connect with me on social media (facebook and instagram)
search by name : Ambra Nanut